Coaching Opportunities

Who I Work With:

I work with young women, ages 18-40s who:
  • Have either already left their relationship, want to leave, or are thinking of leaving and need help making a decision. I do not work with women pursuing reconciliation - not that anything is wrong with it, but it is not my area of expertise. 

  • Are not looking for parenting or coparenting advice (again, nothing wrong with this, but not my area of expertise). Coaching will address you as the individual, not the family unit (but by working on you, you improve that unit!)
  • Are ready to invest in themselves and their healing journey, and feel motivated to make a change.
  • Can better relate to someone close to their own age, speaks the same "language", and gives off non-intimidating, collaborative, bestie energy.
  • Are not experiencing suicidal thoughts or severe mental health symptoms. Coaching is not a substitute for therapy. It is most effective when you are in a more regulated and stable place and are ready to work towards your transformation.

Working with me looks like learning, growing, implementing, and being held accountable! I care so much about my clients' transformation and I love soulmate clients that feel like we could be besties IRL!

Ways to Work With Me

Option 1: Other 1:1 Coaching

If you haven't left your relationship yet but you want to, or if you'd like to work with me but do not resonate with the content in Betrayed Bestie Academy, you can apply to work with me below. 

I value your time and money, and would never waste it if I didn't think we could make progress together. I work closely with my clients and definitely give off best friend energy! 

Once I receive your information, we can collaborate to determine if we are a good fit, and what coaching structure will work best for you!

Apply for 1-on-1 Coaching Now

Option 2: Betrayed Bestie Blueprint

For only $47, you can fill out a form where you will answer questions about your betrayal/ breakup story, where you are currently, where you want to be, and any specific questions that you would like answered/ what you're hoping to get from this blueprint.

Then, within 24 hours, you will receive a custom blueprint (video + audio recording and PDF) where I will give you my honest opinion on your individual situation, recommended next steps + resources (like books, podcasts, journal prompts, healing modalities), and answer your questions. 

I will also let you know if my online course or coaching can help you and how. If you don't want to work with me, that's totally fine! You'll still get a ton of value from this blueprint. And if my program can't help you, I'll refer you to someone who can!

This is a great option for those who are considering investing in my online program, Betrayed Bestie Academy, or my 1-on-1 coaching. This gives you a small taste of what working with me is like! And if you DO decide to work with me, you can APPLY the $47 you spent on this blueprint to whatever option you choose! It's a no-brainer.

Get Your Blueprint Now

Option 3: Betrayed Bestie Academy

This is an online course for young women who have experienced partner sexual betrayal trauma, have left their relationship, and are ready to heal and live their best lives. This course walks you through the exact process that I engaged in to heal from betrayal/ divorce and drastically improve my life. You will learn how to navigate the initial effects of betrayal trauma, develop a deeper understanding of what you’ve been through, feel better about your decision to leave (or about your relationship ending in general), grieve your relationship, decide what you want your life to look like moving forward, identify and clear any limiting beliefs, and take inspired action. Trust me when I say- there is NO other course like this!

We will walk through this together 1-on-1 for 12 weeks (1 session per week), Telegram messaging in-between sessions, and you will have lifetime access to the course material.

Learn More
Hi besties!

I'm Jess

First of all, I'm so sorry that you are here, but I am also so glad that you found me!

After experiencing betrayal trauma in my marriage, I went on an intense healing journey. Over the past 2.5+ years, I have read 100 personal development books, listened to countless hours of podcasts, taken several courses, tried several different healing modalities, spent over 200 hours in therapy and coaching, and several thousands of dollars. Basically, healing has been part-time job. At first, I was extremely resentful for having to heal from something I didn't ask for. But once I dove into the world of personal development and life coaching, everything changed. I was able to access a higher level of consciousness and developed so much wisdom and resilience because of it. I went from being someone with low self-esteem to someone who genuinely loves herself. For the first time in my life, I had my own back. Though my ex husband did not choose recovery and my marriage did not make it, I did! I went through a beautiful transformation, and I want to help others do the same (for a lot less time and money.) I have done extensive study in sex/porn addiction, infidelity, betrayal trauma, emotional/ psychological abuse, breakups/divorce, and grief. In addition, I have completed a life coach training program that specializes in Law of Attraction, mindset shifts and subconscious reprogramming


Still have questions?

I'm happy to help!


Email me at [email protected]

Or DM me on Instagram @betrayedbestie